Something is Wrong... But I'm Not Sure What

Patients can present with vague symptoms but not have a firm diagnosis. If you are struggling with finding an ICD code, consider using an “Abnormal Diagnostic Imaging” code.

Can you give me an example? A patient presents with vague abdominal discomfort and a CT scan shows thickening of the mid transverse colon. The patient’s symptoms and imaging are not classic for an infectious colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or malignancy. You are planning a diagnostic laparoscopy tomorrow. This can be coded as R93.3 – Abnormal Diagnostic Imaging, other parts of Gastrointestinal Tract (excludes Liver and Biliary Tract).

Don’t forget, if there is a more specific diagnostic code, it is preferable to use it instead of the abnormal diagnostic imaging codes.


Podcast Episode 3: Office Consultation Coding


Abdominal Pain and Tenderness